Poinsettia Hackathon Terms and Conditions
Poinsettia Hackathon organised by AgriFoRwArdS Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) and Lincoln Agri-Robotics.
The Poinsettia Hackathon takes place between Friday 10th December 2021 (midday) and Monday 10th January 2022 (midday).
Registration, Terms and Conditions
You need to register to take part in this event.
Upon registering you will be sent the relevant link to join us on Friday 10th December (12:00 GMT) to launch the hackathon. The hackathon rules will also be sent to you via email following the Opening Ceremony.
The competition submissions should be sent to LAR@lincoln.ac.uk by 12:00 GMT, Monday 10th January 2022.
Winners will be announced at the Closing Ceremony on Friday 14th January 2022 at 12:00 GMT.
Anyone with access to a computer can participate, and you can register as an individual or a group.
You will be given access to our virtual ‘poinsettia nursery’, where you will find many photographs of poinsettia plants.
Our thanks to Bridge Farm Group, the leading UK producer of ornamental plants, flowers and herbs in supporting this event by allowing us to collect images and data.
Help and Support
Please email LAR@lincoln.ac.uk with any questions. Please note the inbox will not be monitored between after Wednesday 22nd December until Monday 4th January due to University closure over the festive period.
What does the hackathon involve?
Taking part in this machine learning and computer vision competition, you will contribute towards building an image recognition system to help robots distinguish between healthy and unhealthy plants.
Devising intelligent ways to help identify features that contribute to rating the ‘best’ poinsettia, looking at the height of the plant, colour of the leaves, and “bushiness” among other attributes.
Who can participate?
Everyone is welcome to join in – please forward onto anyone who you feel would be interested in taking part in this activity.
Find out more AgriFoRwArdS Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT)
AgriFoRwArdS is the world’s first CDT for agri-food robotics. Funded by EPSRC, the CDT has been established by the University of Lincoln, in collaboration with the Universities of Cambridge and East Anglia.
The global food chain is under pressure from population growth, climate change, political pressures affecting migration, population drift from rural to urban regions, and the demographics of an ageing population in advanced economies. Addressing these challenges requires a new generation of highly skilled researchers and leaders in robotics and autonomous systems, and the AgriFoRwArdS CDT is dedicated to delivering that expertise.
The CDT will provide training for at least 50 doctoral students, who will specialise in areas such as autonomous mobility in challenging environments, the harvesting of agricultural crops, soft robotics for handling delicate food products, and ‘co-bots’ for maintaining safe human-robot collaboration and interaction in farms and factories.
Find out more Lincoln Agri-Robotics
Lincoln Agri-Robotics (LAR) is ‘the world’s first global centre of excellence in agricultural robotics’ (UK Innovation Strategy, July 2021), funded by UKRI’s Research England as part of their Expanding Excellence in England (E3) fund. This exciting centre bridges and expands the strong collaborations that exist between two leading research groups at the University of Lincoln: the Lincoln Institute for Agri-Food Technology (LIAT) and the Lincoln Centre for Autonomous Systems (L-CAS).
Our role is to drive support robotic innovation and technical advancement in agriculture, drawing on our network of academic excellence, industry partnerships, and funding organisations.